Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Park Date With Ayden

Benny and his buddy Ayden had a phone conversation this morning and they each invited the other to play ... since it was such a nice day we decided to meet at Pamida Park for a while so the two could run around. Benny and I try to keep busy in the mornings while Madeline is at school.
Benny and his buddy shared granola bars on a bench at the park and then ran off to play. The park has a ramp to get up to the playground equipment and they were eager to pose for pictures :)

Benny is really embracing his potty training :) He was anxious to show off his skills outside at the park watering the tree! We also took a walk down to the Bayview dock to look at the water.

Ayden's baby sister had a good time cruising around using her mom, Jill, as a walker :) She is such a cutie :)

1 comment:

The Zak Family said...

Oh, I LOVE that picture of Benny watering the tree!!! So precious! How are you feeling??? When is the date again? I'm so excited for you! :)