Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

This year we were in St. Louis Park for Christmas Eve and Christmas ... of course Santa knew where to find us. The kids were prepared for his arrival and left him cookies and milk - and 8 celery slices for each of his reindeer. As an afterthought Madeline got concerned that Santa might eat the celery on his own, so she made a note that read "For the reindeer" and placed it near the celery :)

The kids had a nice Christmas. Aaron and I got the kids a Nintendo DS to share, which Madeline LOVES. Benny's most favorite gift was a set of hockey skates that Aidan left for Benny to borrow while he's living tropical and a hockey stick my dad bought him.

Sometimes the toys bring out the kid in all of us!

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